The Birthplace of Cultured Pearls

Homeland of Ama Women Divers

The Soul of Japan – Ise Shrine

Ise Shima – the Origins of Japan’s 3 important cultures

While Ise Shima is one of the best-known tourist sites in Japan as the orgin of Japan’s 3 important cultures and is very popular with the Japanese people throughout the year, Ise Shima is not very well known outside of Japn.  

It’s our pleasure to share the beauty of Akoya Pearls and Ise Shima with the world.  We, Pearl FALCO organized Ise Shima and Mie Pref Tour for Singapore Local Media, Travellution, CNA and Singapore Travel Agent IK Chin Travel etc. 

Travellution featured about Ise Shima in their magazine, Otober, November, December 2022 printed magazines and IK Chin Travel organized Ise Shima Tour, the first Ise Shima packaged Tour in Singapore. The one of CNA producers plans to shoot pearl farming for the future as documentary and did her site survey this time. 

Ise Shima Tour Schedule

Day 1     

Singapore (Day -1) to Nagoya, Japan  arrive at Nagoya morning
Nagoya Chubu Central Airport to Kashigojima Station (Shima City) by trains, changed trains at Nagoya Station
Visit Tomoyama, Ise Shima National Park, and Shima Nature School 
Visit Female Divers Hut for interview and shooting
Dinner at Female Diver’s House
Stay at  Shima Kanko Hotel

Day 2

Visit Pearl Farmer at Minami Ise for interview and shooting
Visit Yokoyama, Ise Shima National Park
Dinner at Japanese Restaurant – Enishi  in Shima City
Stay at  Hotel Xiv Toba


Interview Female Diver

Day 3   

Visit Pearl FALCO Ise Gallery  for shooting – grading pearls and striging necklace
Visit Ise Shirine (Inne Shrine, Outer Shirine, Sengukan Museum)
Dinner with Shima City Mayor at Female Diver’s Restaurant
Stay at  Hotel Xiv Toba

Day 4   

Visit Kumano Kodo the world heritage
Visit Green Tea Farm in Matsusaka City
Mie Prefectur is the 3rd biggest production of green tea in Japan for more details
Visit  Marunaka Matsusaka Beef Shop
Dinner at Gugin Matsusaka Beef Resutaurant
Stay ay Matsusaka City 

Day 5 

Matsusaka city to Nagoya, Chubu Central Airport back to Singapore 


Pearl Farmer Shooting rotated

Your Next Destination – Ise Shima 伊勢志摩

If you want to experience history, culture, good scenery and, of course, some of Japan’s finest cuisine, Ise Shima can provide it all. IK Chin Travel is organising an Ise Shima Package Tour for the first time in Singapore. The Pearl FALCO Team is excited to make this most memorable tour possible for our valued customers in Singapore. We look forward to having you visit Ise Shima with us!

Pearl Farmer Visit
Pearl Farmer Shooting 2 rotated
Ise Shima Summit 1
Ise Shrine rotated
With Shima City Mayor rotated
Female Diver House
Travellution Ise Shima Pearl
Travellution Female Diver Ise Shrine 1
Travellution Ise Shima
Travellution Matsusaka

Click Below to Schedule a Visit to Pearl FALCO Singapore to Learn About Ise Shima and How Pearl Jewellery Can Enhance Your Life

We also encourage you to schedule a Singapore Gallery Visit to see all Pearl FALCO has to offer. If you have a question about a Pearl FALCO design, feel free to reach out to Pearl FALCO via WhatsApp or our Contact Pearl FALCO Page. Your feedback is so important to us! Please let us know how we are doing through Pearl FALCO’s Contact Page or Pearl FALCO Contact Page, or Google Reviews.

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