Whether for formal or casual wear, white pearl earrings are quite popular these days. With multiple genuine pearl choices to choose from, whether Freshwater, Akoya or South Sea pearls. So what are some of the differences?
Freshwater Pearls vs Akoya Pearls and South Sea Pearls
Freshwater Pearls constitute 97% Of Worldwide Pearl Production, and China is the world’s largest producer of freshwater pearls.
Understandably, while freshwater pearls are appreciated for their lower prices, the reduced nacre density causes freshwater pearls to change color over time. Freshwater pearls also tend to be far more brittle and less durable than saltwater pearls, which makes saltwater pearl jewelry more desirable as multi-generational legacy gifts of choice.

Akoya Pearls are Beautiful and Round Thanks To Hard Work and Devotion
Akoya pearls are cultivated in the beautiful and calm ocean waters of Ise Shima Japan. Taking years to mature, with almost half of the mother oysters not surviving the years long cultivation process due to their susceptibility to environmental changes. A single mother oyster will produce only one pearl in her lifetime.
From baby oyster to mother oyster, it takes approximately 3 to 4 years. From the seeding of the mother oyster to pearl harvesting, it takes another 1 to 2 years, so approximately 4 to 5 years in total. During that time, pearl farming demands daily observation and care, just as all mothers devote to their own children. Of the fully cultivated and harvested pearls, fewer than 28% of fully cultured pearls will be used for making jewelry. The rest are ground into powder and used for medicines, herbs and cosmetics.
Akoya Pearls and South Sea Pearls
Both Akoya and South Sea Pearls are saltwater pearls, appreciated as lifetime legacy gifts to be passed on from one generation to the next, as symbols of love and memories through time. The luminous soft inner glow of South Sea pearls is born from South Sea oysters, cultured primarily in the South Pacific. The main difference between Akoya pearls and South Sea pearls is Luster and Size. Akoya pearls have the highest luster among pearls but are relatively smaller, while South Sea Pearl sizes tend to be much larger than other pearls, largely due to the warmer South Pacific Oceans. In terms of Luster and Brightness, Akoya pearls are said to shine like Mirrors while South Sea pearls are said to shine like Silk.
Saltwater Pearls and Their Value Over Time
While the price of saltwater pearl earrings is understandably higher than freshwater pearl earrings, saltwater pearls are more highly regarded worldwide because of their higher valued qualities. Born in nature, all pearls are unique and special and no two pearls are exactly alike. To date, pearls continue to be evaluated one by one with expert eyes. Value is determined solely by the quality of each pearl.
When considered in the context of pearl earrings, Akoya & South Sea pearl earring studs can range in cost from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the size, luster and uniformity of the pearls in the design.
White Pearl Earring Collections

Hold On To The Saltwater Pearl Earrings You Are Purchasing Or Already Own
It goes without saying … pearls are that gemstone that comes back into fashion over and over again. We are currently seeing a resurgence of interest in pearl jewelry, so hold onto what you are purchasing and/or what you currently have.
While long Akoya pearl strands are currently perceived of as more formal jewelry, many of our customers are layering their longer pearl strands with other necklaces, or looking at restringing their long strands into more contemporary designs. As noted above, the value of the pearls themselves is key to estimating their long-term value. Should long Akoya pearl strands and/or other design concepts come back into fashion, you can always restring the pearls again. Saltwater Pearls Are For Life.
We welcome you to join us at one of our Pearl Appreciation Workshops to deepen your understanding of pearls, so you can see pearls ‘up close and personal’ with your own eyes. We also welcome questions about what pearl jewelry you may already have, wondering about value, or whether you are considering making multiple custom designed pieces from a single strand, etc., custom design, being among Pearl FALCO’s specialties.
Whether in person or remotely, contacting Pearl FALCO is easier than ever. For a Gallery visit, Please click on the ‘WhatsApp‘ Icon at the bottom right hand corner of the webpage to schedule a WhatsApp appointment. You can also contact Pearl FALCO via our Contact Page or email us at iseshima@pearlfalco.com. As always, we very much look forward to hearing from you.