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Discover the Beauty and Elegance of South Sea Pearls: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide for 2023

Discover the Beauty and Elegance of South Sea Pearls: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide for 2023

You’ll most definitely have a small collection of pearl jewelries by the time you read this guide, or maybe own a few pairs of pearl earrings already but chances are, you’d still have some trouble identifying what exact type of pearl are used in your existing collection. But today, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about South Sea Pearls, what makes them special, as well as how to choose the right South Sea Pearl jewelry for you!

Valentine’s Day Is A Perfect Day to Celebrate Love with Pearl Jewelry!

Valentine’s Day Is A Perfect Day to Celebrate Love with Pearl Jewelry!

Pearl FALCO Akoya pearls are cultivated in the calm inlet waters that surround Ise Shima Japan. A little over 100 years ago, 100% sustainable pearl cultivation techniques were discovered. Today, following those same traditions, the hard work of Ise Shima’s pearl farmers makes all the difference, creating brilliantly round pearls of high luster and radiance, making pearl jewelry an ideal Celebrate Love with Pearl Jewelry!.

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