In the latest episode of MoneyFM, Maiko Makito, Co-owner and Managing Director of Pearl FALCO, reveals a groundbreaking advancement in pearl authentication technology. Pearl FALCO, renowned for its exquisite Akoya pearls, has introduced the first digital certificate...
In a captivating feature from Lifestyle Asia, Maiko Makito of Pearl FALCO emerges as a trailblazer in the world of pearl jewellery. Her story, beautifully detailed in the Ladies Who Launch article, reveals not only her dedication to the art of pearls but also her...
Global Pearl Jewelry Market Trends indicate substantial growth, with the market valued at approximately USD 13 billion in 2024 and projected to reach USD 28 billion by 2032. This expansion, driven by a robust CAGR of 13% from 2024 to 2032, is attributed to rising...
As Singapore gears up to celebrate its 59th Singapore National Day, we at Pearl FALCO find ourselves inspired by the nation’s incredible journey. Like the formation of a pearl, Singapore’s transformation from a humble fishing village to a global powerhouse...
The Pearl Legacy Project This is dedicated to preserving the delicate marine environment essential to pearl farming, ensuring its vitality for future generations. Our mission encompasses not only safeguarding the environment but also advancing the art of pearl farming...